Hello Loves!
My name is Natasha McBride and I currently reside in Columbus, GA but enough about me. I am sure you clicked this tab because you wanted to know about the business....about Ethereal Glow....the how....the why and the what. Well to start with the how. The idea of my business was planted during the pandemic...although I have been working the entire time my mind still drifted because I yearned to be artistic....expressive.....SOMETHING. After watching countless hours of watching YouTube videos and endless hashtag searches in Instagram for soooooomething I can dooooooo I finally decided I would create custom mugs....as you can see....that did not stick.
Once I decided I wanted to work with resin and various materials, everything clicked and just felt right. I knew this is where I wanted to start my business journey. They say if you do something you love ,it will never feel like WORK....most days this is true. Running a business and working and family and me time and everything is WORK but balance...it is all about balance. 
Now let's talk about the why....once I decided to work with resin I needed to then focus on what items I would like to create and the drive behind it. I wanted to create items that can be used as a part of self-care...things that could help someone maintain their balance and tap into their me time to the fullest. You want to drink some wine? Boom I have coasters for you...you want to decorate a nice area to sip some wine and set the mood? Boom I have coasters and tray sets. Or you want something more 420 friendly to unwind from a long day? Boom and Boom I have ashtrays and rolling trays. I wanted to become a part of everyone's self-care...contribute to what makes people internally happy.
Lastly....the what...Ethereal....meaning something or someone that is light...airy...delicate...heavenly...not of this world. Glow...when you're happy you glow...when you're in love...to Glow is to be loved and happy and free.
Ethereal Glow.